AM Session
Back Squat
6 x 3 Reps
*I used 365 here, which is 78% for me. Nice and smooth reps here.
With a partner for time
100 Calorie Row
100 Calorie Bike
100 Deadlifts 185/125#
100 Wall Ball
100 Muscle Ups
100 Wall Ball
100 Deadlift 185/125#
100 Calorie Bike
100 Calorie Row
*I did this one with Scott Panchik and we finished in 37:53. Broke everything but the muscle ups and row into sets of 10. Muscle ups we did 5’s and the row we did 20/20/15 each.
PM Session
10 Rounds for time of:
15 GHD sit ups
1 Pegboard Climb
*I didn’t have a clock on this one, just worked fast.
6 Rounds of:
40 YD Sled Push Walk
10 Strict HSPU (Should be unbroken)
Rest 1:1 with a partner (“You go, I go” style)
Right into…
6 Rounds of:
25 Calorie Assault Bike (500watts +)
Rest 1:1 with a partner (“You go, I go” style)
*Sled push = 20 down/20 back. Weight depends on sled and pavement. Should be able to do without stopping.
AM Session
Running Conditioning
Warm up… then,
5 Rounds
3 Minutes TEMPO
2 Minutes EASY
*Finish with 6 x 100m Strides, do these EMOM. Just a good strong pace to try and loosen up the legs a bit!
Squat Cleans
3 Rounds at each weight (1:1 Alternating with a partner)
10 @ 135/95
8 @ 155/105#
6 @ 185/125#
4 @ 205/135#
2 @ 225/155#
*Example, you do 10, I do 10 x 3 sets. Change weights then you do 8, I do 8, x 3 rounds each. Keep adding weight and decreasing the weight. 3 sets at each weight for each person!
PM Session
Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes
15 Calorie Row
15 Wall Ball 30#/20#
Alternating Minutes x 10 minutes
15 Calorie Bike
15 Burpees (6″ touch)
*This should pick up as you move through it, if the clock catches you just make each one of them a 10 minute AMRAP each! No rest between the two EMOM’s.
Wednesday :
AM Session
Power snatches
6 x 2 Reps (You can do these working up)
*Try and stay between 65 and 75% of your 1RM Snatch!
5 Rounds
30 GHD Sit Ups
10 Power Snatches 155/105#
*Try to make the snatches fast singles, keeping the pace between rounds one and rounds 5 consistent! That is the goal, don’t worry about the time here just focus on your pacing between reps on the snatches!
3 x 10 Muscle Ups
*New set every 90 seconds, or 2:00, or 2:30 based off your ability. Scale the rest accordingly! Think of this as 30 reps for time. We aren’t trying to set any pr’s, just trying to do these at a strong pace in 3 sets if possible!
PM Session
5 Rounds
1 Minute Max Toes to Bar
1 Minute Max Ring Dip
1 Minute Max Power Clean 135/95#
1 Minute Rest
*Try and keep your numbers for each round as consistent as you possibly can!